Just A Usual Day At Unusual School


Sometimes we don't think we have enough information to solve a problem, but in reality we do. We can use logical analysis to pin down information which, although not explicitly stated, can be inferred from what we know.

Students perform a play which takes place in a school where some of the students always lie and the rest always tell the truth. Terry, the protagonist, is trying to find out which students are which, but at the beginning, there is no way of knowing whom to believe.

At first it seems like there is never enough information, but in each case, it is possible for Terry figure out more about the students that might have seemed possible.

Important note!!!!

We have received some mail from readers who think that there isn't enough information to solve the entire puzzle presented in the play. What do you think?

If you think there needs to be more information, what else would one or more of the characters have to say to make it all work out?

Logic and Reasoning: The Big Picture

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