Knot Observations


In this activity, students become familiar with mathematical knots by observing them. By putting these observations into words they gain experience in using language to describe spatial properties. They will undoubtedly discover many basic properties of knots.



Ideas for discussion



  1. Have students brainstorm about what they already know about knots: What is a knot? Where and how they are used? How they are made?
  2. Tell the students that knots are important to mathematicians, too. By studying knots, mathematicians have developed theories that are useful in many areas of science.
  3. Show the students the knots that they will initially study. Point out that these are mathematical knots . The knots that mathematicians think about have their ends joined to form a closed loop. One reason for doing this is to be able to move the knots all around, pulling and twisting on the loops to see what happens, and be sure that the knots don't come apart.
  4. Explain that one of the things that mathematicians do when they study something like knots is to look at a few of them and begin making clear and precise observations about them. At first they notice the simplest things. They try to describe what they notice as clearly as they can so that when they talk to each other about them, each one understands what the other one means and they don't get confused. Often mathematicians who live far away from each other study the same things, and they write each other letters and talk over the phone. So they have to be sure when they describe something that the other person gets the right picture.
  5. Explain that another reason mathematicians make and collect observations is that it often turns out that when you list the simple and easy things, other things begin occurring to you, and you notice things that are more complicated and interesting.
  6. Have the students begin making observations about knots. This can be done either with the large group, or you can ask the students to work in smaller groups that rotate among the knots. In small groups, students should collect and write down their observations and then report back to the larger group. Make sure the students understand that no observation is too silly or too small. If they have trouble saying exactly what they mean, have them help one another to figure out the best way to put it in words. If they need to, it is okay to invent new words to make something clear, as long as everyone understands what the new word means and they can explain it to anyone else.
  7. Suggest to the students that a clear and accurate drawing of the object of their observation can be useful.
  8. While the students are making their observations, it is important that they be able to touch and manipulate the knots as well as look at them.

Ideas for Discussion

  1. List student observations. Verify with the group that they perceive what is being described.
  2. Combine observations that are similar or redundant. Have students agree on the wording.
  3. Students may touch on some or all of the following:
  4. The above list is not exhaustive of the kinds of observations that students can make. Save their list, refer to it often when studying knots, and add new items to it as they are discovered.
  5. If there is not agreement about some points, put question marks next to them.
  6. When you finish up the activity, help the students to see that they learned very many things about knots by using their own minds and senses. They haven't studied any information from the outside yet.
  7. Help the students to begin generating and listing questions about knots that they could investigate. Explain that when we take a close look at something that we have never examined carefully before, not only do we see new things, but we also start wondering about things that we never thought of before. After looking at knots, what are some questions that come into your mind?