Building Block Knots


In this activity, students continue their experience with knots and knot addition by thinking about how the process of knot addition might work in reverse. Students will try to decompose knots into two simpler parts that can be added together to make the original knot. Students will be exposed to the notion of prime knot.



Ideas for discussion



  1. Review the idea of knot addition . Ask students what will happen if this is done backwards. In other words, is it possible to look at a knot and figure out how to take it apart or decompose it into two knots which could be added together to produce the original knot?
  2. Have each student or group of students choose a knot to decompose and talk about what happens. It seems that some knots can be broken down into smaller components and others cannot.
  3. Ask students to work in pairs or small groups to make knot decomposition puzzles by following these steps:
    1. Draw two knots on paper, then draw how it will look when you add them.
    2. Make the knot that results from the addition in the drawing out of rope. It is important to do this carefully, because the slightest error will result result in a knot that decomposes differently than their drawing. It might even be a knot that won't decompose at all..
    3. Twist and deform the knot you have made so that it is no longer obvious what the two original knots were.
    4. Give the knotted rope to another student or group of students.
    5. When you receive a knotted rope from another group of students, try to figure out what the two knots were that the knot you received was made from. (This may actually turn out to be quite difficult!)
    6. When a group succeeds in decomposing a knot, the decomposition should be compared to the drawing that was made. If the knot is decomposed differently than the drawing shows, both groups will need to get together and talk about the result.
    7. Any knots that cannot be decomposed during the class period can stand as open problems in the classroom. Open problems are the lifeblood of mathematics.
    8. NOTE: You may want to place some restrictions on the size (i.e., number of crossings) of the knots that are used to make these puzzles so that the knots to be decomposed aren't outlandishly complex.
    9. The knot decomposition puzzles can be made even more challenging if more than two knots can be summed to make the puzzle.
    10. If students try to decompose the knots on the knot diagram into smaller knots, they will meet with quite a bit of difficulty. All of these knots are believed to be prime knots--knots that cannot be decomposed into two simpler knots (unless, of course, one of the two knots is the zero knot ). Whether these knots are prime knots, (and the conjecture that none of these knots are equivalent) has not been conclusively proved, however. After much experimentation with the aid of computers, no one has succeeded in decomposing these knots, but this does not mean that there is not a decomposition waiting to be discovered. If a student should discover one, contact Nancy Casey ( right away!

Ideas for Discussion

  1. What do you look for in a knot to see if it will decompose? Are there any sure signs that it will? that it won't? If you think it will decompose, how do you go about trying?
  2. The idea of basic building blocks--irreducible units that can be put together in a variety of ways to produce more complex entities--is one that runs all though western mathematics and science. Identification of the ultimate building blocks of the universe is one of the quests of particle physics. Amino acids are the building blocks of the proteins in all living things. The DNA molecules of which our genes and chromosomes are made are built up from 4 basic building blocks. Chemists study molecules made of atoms, as well as how certain clusters of atoms are intermediate size building blocks for complex molecules. Students may be familiar with the concept of prime number, and how prime numbers are the building blocks of multiplication.
  3. Have students identify other topics of mathematics, science, and other disciplines where they have experienced the idea of building blocks.