Knot Arithmetic


In this activity students will combine knots to see how they can be added together. They will manipulatively experience the concept of identity and explore some of the subtleties of the nature of mathematical truth.

If students have already done the activity A Classroom Menagerie of Mathematical Knots, they will have plenty of knots to work with in this activity, and a familiarity with knots that will help them understand the concept of knot addition better.



Ideas for discussion



  1. Draw the figure below on the chalk board.

    Explain that knots are added together by doing a little bit of surgery. First, make a cut in each one of the knots that will be added. Do this carefully, without untying. Then the cut ends from the first knot are attached (taped) to the cut ends from the second knot.

  2. Help the students to generate questions about adding knots. Some possible questions are:
  3. After the students have generated a list of interesting questions about knot addition, discuss how you could go about answering one of the questions. A suitable plan might look like the following:
  4. Have the students work individually or in groups to answer one or more of the questions that they generated.

Ideas for Discussion

  1. Have the students present to the rest of the class some information about the question(s) that they investigated, how they went about their investigation, and what they found out.
  2. Encourage students to be active listeners to the other students presentations. Point out how such simple objects as knots become complicated once we start comparing them, adding them, and doing other things with them to understand more about them. It is easy to make mistakes, or to get half way through what you were explaining and find out you have confused yourself. This happens to mathematicians all of the time.
  3. Explain that mathematicians rely on one another to listen carefully to their ideas and help them figure out if they have done as good a job as they possibly can when they investigate a question. When mathematicians present their discoveries to each other, they aren't thinking, "Oh, I hope they will be impressed by how smart I am to have thought about all this complicated stuff." Their attitude is very different. They are thinking, "I hope they will listen carefully to what I am explaining. When they don't understand, they will ask me questions so that I can help explain it better. If they think I have made a mistake, they will tell me. I want to make sure that this is all done right."
  4. Encourage students to think about the mathematical truth of their conclusions. A conjecture is a statement which, after experimentation with many examples seems plausible. Once a conjecture is made, the next step is to try to prove it rigorously. If students have difficulty finding rigorous proofs for their conjectures, they shouldn't be discouraged. Today,in all fields of mathematics, there are unproved conjectures which have eluded proof or disproof for years. Occasionally, when new mathematical techniques are developed, mathematicians can apply them to conjectures that have been made and either prove or disprove them.